Featured items:
Headpiece: Etereum Set by Madame Noir (Crown and Halo can be worn separate. Colour change hud included)
Face Feathers: Heathen // . i i c i n g . (Includes feathers plus eyebags, feather puncture and blush tattoo - BOM only
Eyeliner: [Milla Rasmuson Makeup] (For Lelutka EVO. 8 Colour change hud included)
Skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - ANEMONE - Apricot tone (Available in lights & darks pack with shape available for Lelutka. BOM & Omega appliers included)
Head: LeLUTKA Lilly Head
Body: Maitreya, Lara
Hair: DOUX - Kiara hairstyle
Dress: SPIRIT - Agapa dress [RED]