Featured items:
Tattoo: 4761 - HOME Tattoo (BOM, Legacy & Maitreya Appliers)
Available at Gala Fair by Tres Chic
Tank Top: Kaithleen's Gabbi Tank Top ( Fits eBody Curvy, Freya, HG, Legacy, Legacy Petite, Maitreya & Maitreya Petite. Available in 20 colours plus Fatpack)
Shoes: ~ QUADRATUS DEMISE - Sanctus Calx (Fits Maitreya & Belleza. Available in Fatpack with exclusive colours plus 5 regular packs & and exclusive Kawaii rainbow pack)
Other items used in styling:
Head: LeLUTKA Fleur Head
Body: Maitreya, Lara
Socks: friday - Niki Janes